L - 7 hour time difference so did very well to wake at 5am. But are now starving and counting the minutes until breakfast at 7am. We are in a classic American hotel/motel - the Powder lodge. Parked outside our room are 7 Harley davidsons, have not yet retained if they belong to a group of hell's angels or some blokes recreating their youth!

We are going to see the heads of Mount Rushmore today in our huge NIssan Pathfinder
L - end of a great day. Mount Rushmore was fantastic, just so awesome to drive around a corner and Ross shouts out "there it is".

Ross made a few funny poses and became the 5th president with another serious face.

Went around the Indian museum and posed for a cheesy photo.

Went to see the Crazy Horse carving which may be finished during Ross's lifetime.

Ended the day with a drive through Custer National park. Saw prairie dogs,which turned out to be like meerkats. Then came across the burros, donkeys, who just swamp you begging for food. The follow pic says it all.

LOVE the first few photos and news. What a good idea. Should have done the same. Just back from 4 days with Megan and family. Was great. Hannah loved the lacrosse camp. Lots of fun. Very hot here in NY - hope you are not having the same heatwave. Told the kids they can decide where we eat tonight (Joe has work dinner) and Johnny Rockets it is! Guess we have to have one 'diner' meal here!!