They spray the plane and you have to walk through disinfectant when you step down from the plane. They are working very hard not to contaminate the ecosystem here. We met up with the other 3 families who were on our boat the Letty and transferred by bus to the loading dock. Immediately we saw the first of the wildlife and realised just what an awesome experience this is going to be. Crabs, sea lions, pelican, frigate bird, iguana and colourful tropical fish surrounded the harbour of clear blue water.

Quick transfer by inflatable boat, called Panga, to the Letty, passing moored boats that the sea lions were using as napping spots.

After a quick orientation we had a quick unpack into our 3 sleeper cabin. About the same size as the room from the dude ranch with Ross and I sharing the bunk beds and Trevor in a narrow single bed.
Buffet style lunch, amazing what they can produce in a tiny kitchen. The boat motored to the other side of the island.
Looking very svelt (having squeezed into our wetsuits) we boarded the pangas and transferred onto a beach for some snorkelling. Sea lions

snoozed in the shade and tropical fish danced in the water
alongside the Krige boys.

Sundowners whilst viewing the birds nesting on the Kicker Rock, Leon Dormida.

- posted by the Krige family
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