Weighed again, we were starting to feel like cattle with all these cowboys and weighing. Once more warned that the 7 minute heli ride into the canyon was going to be hair raising and we all had to sit in the seats assigned to balance out the weight. Ross got to fly in the co-pilot seat and was he over the moon. I was facing the rear and had to say it was rather a roller coaster feel as we went over the lip of the canyon and the heli just dropped. Then a bit of weaving through the gorge, a sharp bank to the right to land on a very small flat section. Ross's plane fettish has been overtaken by the desire to fly helicopters when he grows up.

We were all allocated 2 waterproof bags, a big one which included a sleeping bag and pillow and you had to pack your back pack minus essentials which you may need access to during the day, ie sunblock, cameras etc.

Once we had all packed these we split into 2 boats, there was one group of 12 who had come together and proved very insular and not at all interested in mingling with the rest if the group (or in fact getting involved with any of the camp activities), so they went off in one board and we had the best of times, meeting new friends, laughing and having a merry time down the river. Oscar and Georgia, the Kriges, Stephanie and her son Greg, Valerie and her daughter Victoria, Paul and Carol, Tony with his 3 grandchildren Leah, Elizabeth and Mack.

- posted by the Krige family
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