Repacked, again this time into our small day bags. I was concerned that it would not be enough but, in the end we could have done with half.
There were 27 in the Group plus Annalee the tour guide. Onto a bus to a private airfield where we were all weighed with our luggage. The transfer to the ranch was on small aircraft and we were warned in advance that the ride was going to be very bumpy but that it was normal and the pilots were skilled but they had to strategically place everyone for the weight balance.
After a 30 minute flight we arrived at the 'International airport' and were taken the last 3 miles in a rickety old bus.

Then an afternoon of 'dude' activities, horse-riding,


and Trevor and I went on a quad bike ride

to the canyon rim. Just awesome but I had to laugh at the cowboy who was taking us as he gave us a lecture about not doing anything out of our comfort range but then stopped to tell me to hurry up and go faster, although not beyond my comfort level!! I was racing at 12miles an hour,'driving Miss Daisy'.

The canyon was breathtaking with the deepening shades of pinks and corals on the rocks as the sun set.

Then I really did have to 'put the pedal to the metal' as we needed to get home in time for the evening activity.

We felt like we were in the set of 7 brides for 7 brothers as the very talented ranch staff put on an evening of singing, dancing, fiddle playing and got us all on our feet doing a line dance.
Sleeping accommodation was a choice of under the stars, chuck wagon or bunkhouse room. We ended in the latter as the wagon could not fit the 3 of us.
Hot nights sleep with a day temperature of 45 degrees and very very dry, it does not really cool down that much. Just before bed we went and lay flat on our backs on the lawn and watched the stars, Ross was delighted to see his first shooting star.
- posted by the Krige family
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